Alaska’s Commercial Fishing Facts Report Released

January 12, 2021



Inaccurate opinion pieces are regularly published, attacking trawl fisheries. Today we share a response to one of those attacks. On Dec. 11, 2024, the Alaska Beacon published this article co-authored by Sam Wright, Dan Carney, Jason Chandler, and Kiley Thomson. Midwater Trawlers Cooperative has long been concerned about the dangerous misinformation that is spread about trawl fisheries. We appreciate this factual, clear-headed response. 

The authors share some truths that must be repeated by everyone in the industry to turn the tide away from lies and attacks. They say, for instance, “Fishery scientists and managers use a clear, science-based process to decide where and when fishing can happen and how many fish can be caught. This results in sustainable Alaska fisheries – fisheries that support tens of thousands of jobs and many coastal communities – producing billions of seafood meals every year to feed people in America and around the world.” 

Feeding our families. Feeding the world. Supporting coastal communities. Following science-based management. Playing a positive role in healthy, sustainable oceans. These are all things that we strongly believe in and we are grateful for any opportunity to share facts. Thank you to these authors for doing just that.